Prayers for Truly Wilson

Please pray for my wife’s niece, Truly Wilson. Truly is 6 years old and for the past few months has run a steady fever after having strep. The fever has landed her in the hospital on and off trying to figure out what is causing the fevers. This past week, her fevers spiked and she was unable to walk steadily so they admitted her back to the hospital. They found that there was swelling in her brain. Thankfully, the bloodwork and MRI results were normal, as far as they can see: They have sent all of her results to Mayo Clinic for further testing, and are waiting on results. The doctors are doing an immunoglobulin therapy in the meantime to try to stop her antibodies from causing inflammation in her brain. Please pray for definitive diagnosis and treatment plan. We are so thankful they do not think it is cancer.
Blake and Lindsey Hix

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