
Crossroads 17


FW/CR Community

As we prepare for CrossRoads 17, we ask that the Community soak the leadership and team in prayer as they prepare to watch God work in the lives of these young believers during the weekend of January 17th. As they prepare, we ask for the community’s help in two areas:

1) We still have spots open on the team and would love to see more Roadies sign up to serve, so please help us spread the word that team sign-up is open.

2) We could really use some help with the registrar duties this year. As you know, this is an important role to get believers signed up and to help organize things initially. You don’t have to serve the entire weekend to help in this area (mainly before the Walk and that Friday for send-off). If you are interesting in helping in this role, please contact Wayne Ellis (901-734-4079).

Thanks for all your prayers and help. May God continue to be glorified through this ministry and people’s lives be changed for His honor forever.

In Him
CR Committee
Isaiah 25:1

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