
FWMS 85 and 86 Prayer Vigils

FaithWalk Mid-South, 85 & 86 will start in a few weeks and the teams are ready to love on and bless these believers. God has already been working on these believers as they are preparing their hearts to receive what Christ has in store for them. The teams for FWMS 85 & FWMS 86 have been praying and preparing to serve the believers and I’m sure have already felt and seen God’s presence. Tommy Edwards is the LayLeader for FWMS 85 & Patty Kellum is the LayLeader for FWMS 86. These two individuals have tirelessly prayed for and have prepared their team for the task at hand.
The PRAYER VIGIL is just one of the powerful displays of love that the believers will see during the weekend and seeing those names at all hours of the day and night may possibly be the turning point in someone’s life. Prayer is a vital component of any FaithWalk Weekend and allows you to be the hands and feet of Jesus to someone. Be the light that someone needs! Please sign up to pray for these believers. There are quite a few openings available and I want to encourage you to sign up and be blessed.

Sign in to the website: click on Serve! Current sign up Opportunities will be shown. Click on the prayer vigil and sign up.

Your sister in Christ,

Dee Rodriguez


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