Crossroads 17 Lay Leader Annoucement & Gathering


We are pleased to announce that Crossroads 17 has a Lay Leader that has been selected and accepted!

Lay Leader:  Amanda Price

Please be in prayer…
– to consider working on the walk

– to consider who you can encourage to attend  as a believer.
– for Amanda as she continues to plan for this walk and to do God’s will.

We look forward to the wonderous things God will do to change the lives of the believers who will attend this Crossroads in January!


Additionally, a Crossroads gathering has been scheduled to kick off our excitement for this upcoming walk. The details are as follows:

Where: Faith Baptist Bartlett Gym (3755 N Germantown Rd)

When: August 3, 2024, from 3:00pm to 6:00pm

*there will be pickleball and other games, light refreshments and snacks

In Him,

The Crossroads Committee


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