Crossroads 17: Sign-ups!

FaithWalk and Crossroads Community,

We are looking for servants for the next CrossRoads weekend.  Even if you’ve never served on CrossRoads, we want to encourage you to prayerfully consider signing up to make an impact in a young person’s life.  Maybe you’ve served before but, it’s been a while…. Get plugged in again!!!   Come and be the hands and feet of Jesus!  Here are the details for the CrossRoads 17 weekend:

CrossRoads Mid-South #17
Jan 17, 2025 — Jan 20, 2025
Location:  The Grove at Red Oak Lake
Lay Leader:  Amanda Price

The team would also like you to think about encouraging a young person to attend as a believer on the walk.  (remember, 15-21 year olds).  Whoever the Lord has put on your heart, be bold and encourage them to attend!

Come one and all to see how our MIGHTY GOD will move in the lives of these young people!

Click HERE to sign-in and sign-up.

In Him,

The CrossRoads 17 Team

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