FaithWalk Midsouth Spring Walks 89 and 90 Lay Leaders and Dates


We are pleased to announce that FaithWalk 89 and 90 have been scheduled and the Lay Leaders have been selected and accepted.

Here are the details for each walk:

FaithWalk 89, Spring Men’s Walk
Dates:  March 23rd – 26th, 2023
Lay Leader:  Terry Mohammed

FaithWalk 90, Spring Women’s Walk
Dates:  March 30th – April 2nd, 2023
Lay Leader:  Link Ellis

An announcement will be made once the walks have been posted for team registration.

Please be in prayer…
– to consider working on the spring walk.
– to consider who you can encourage to attend this spring as a believer.
– for these lay leaders as they begin the planning for these walks and to do God’s will.

We look forward to the wonderous things God will do to change the lives of the believers who will attend these walks in the spring.

In Him,

FaithWalk Midsouth Board

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